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Albina Asphalt supplies Solvs-It, a 100% biodegradable non-petroleum based asphalt release agent that completely complies with State and Federal EPA regulations. Volume pricing available! Guaranteed to work! endstream
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Stop removing asphalt products with messy and toxic release agents. SUPER SLICK BIO II - Arrow Magnolia Asphalt Release Agents NOTE: Refresh the page to view the most current list. Access historical records of product usage on demand. <> The non-hazardous, water soluble mixable agent is designed to provide
clean rapid and easy separation of bituminous (asphalt) materials from
beds of dump trucks and haul trucks. Super Slick Asphalt Release Agent YES YES 10:1 1/8/2023 BG Chemical, LP Black Magic YES NO 10:1 5/2/2022 GreenGuard YES YES 10:1 5/2/2022 Loose Juice YES 10:1 1/24/2026 Brody Chemical First Choice Asphalt Release YES YES 20:1 5/3/2020 First Choice Plus Asphalt Release YES YES 10:1 5/3/2020 First Choice Concentrate Asphalt Release 262 0 obj
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Material Producer List - Asphalt Release Agents 2 February 10, 2023 . Our Marine Division is the worlds leading manufacturer of high-performance dry lubricants (SAILKOTE) and low-friction hull coatings for professional sailors, Olympians, and boating enthusiasts alike. Complete units intended to get the customer up and running with ease. Steve Elkins | Equipment Yard Coordinator. With Brody Chemical, we are able to take care of our customers. Black Magic $11.00: 15.00% $1.65: $9.35 HD Cleaner : $14.00 15.00%: $2.10 $11.90: HD Cleaner $14.00: 15.00% $2.10: $11.90 HUB - No COOP - Yes BG . Release Truck Release Agents Black Magic Approved . What type of release agent is right for you? Popular for distribution/tack trucks, pavers, drag slats, tools and cleaning equipment. Advice for fire-fighters None Our Asphalt Release System pumps multiple dilution rates for easy application. BMF is designed for use on polymer modified SMA designs, crumb rubber designs, warm mix designs, most PG mix designs and conventional designs. Asphalt Release Agent - Dilutable Surfactant Based Sds 5.2. Easy setup and can be outfitted for single or multiple lane application. HVO0~l$6E!DJ t|N4N,}wq8,gfZy{'a^WU'LDgh6Nxecm-. No freight costs or container deposits. Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents _____ Page 3 / 7 615608 - Black Magic Tire Wet Revision Date 08-Apr . Spill creates a slip hazard. G-SLIDE - Asphalt Release Agents for Truck Beds - L & L Quality Products Steve Madsen | Owner Total Services Group. Agents F-1425 Asphalt Release F-1425 Approved NP13-6556 Agents Compound Technologies, Inc. Truck Release Truck Release Agents BMF Asphalt Release Agent Approved NP13-6677 Agents Power Kleen Corporation . Check out our biodegradeable concrete form release agent. Keep drivers happy and avoid downtime with Brody Chemical's non-petroleum, DOT-approved asphalt-release agents that work with even the toughest polymer-modified asphalt mixes. Author: Teddy D. Naylor Compressed Air and water supply for dilution purposes. Product Manufacturer Truck Beds Other Equipment Dilution Rate* Approval Date Founded in 1991, we live and work where you do. Solvs-It is easy to useno shaking or dilution required. 06/01/2025. I would highly recommend this product. Paving companies use our asphalt-release and cleaning agents on pneumatic rollers, steel rollers, hoppers, pavers, tools, and more. Water Based Inert Chemistry - Will not harm asphalt, trucks or equipment. It is excellent for removing asphalt spills and stains and it wont harm the surface youre cleaning. And to our clients, were family. Loose Juice Dallas, TX 75372 . All products are manufactured in a production facility to meet or exceed environmental and safety standards. BMF ASPHALT RELEASE AGENT ASPHALT RELEASE AGENT This product is speci cally developed for the asphalt industry. PDF Rfb 2020-042 Annual Contract for Asphalt Release Agents Scope An asphalt release agent (ARA) is intended for use on truck beds, tools and equipment. HVmo@)JK2UMF[}h!kE@l stream %PDF-1.4 Unlike typical asphalt release agents that are soap-based formulations, TackSolv is a proprietary blend of film-forming polymers and surface-active agents specifically designed to create a molecular, non-stick protective coatingwith high-performing release capabilities. Field Tested to Handle the Toughest High Polymer Modified Asphalt Mixes, including FC-5, OGFC, SMA and SuperPAVE, Highly Concentrated = Industry Leading Cost Per Gallon, Prevents Build up on Rubber Paving Rollers and Tracks, State DOT Approved, NTPEP Tested, Field Tested, Non-Hazardous, Non-Corrosive, Ships as Non-DOT Regulated, SoySolv AR - Asphalt Remover / Drag Slat Cleaner, TackSolv - DOT Approved Asphalt Release Agent. BMF provides a protective barrier between asphalt and a surface, thus preventing asphalt from sticking to surfaces. Eliminate risks associated with receiving, handling, storing, servicing, rinsing, and disposing of drums and totes. and re-approval of asphalt release agents is required every 3 years. Requirements 120V or 220V and water supply for dilution purposes. PDF Material Safety Data Sheet - Red River Supply * b7{b}N@9`Vp?Q0ZE;nY0jC*6q3Ef+.R.~__JXfQAo
nla'E j;.#en/cM([v*Bh \KZU;;K-j1MV$)tVVp+^XvfaBJiqqFTK Hazards . The department assigns the expiration date based on the date NTPEP releases the data to the public. Ive been using your Reconditioning Crme Industrial Strength. TackSolv also works extremely well, preventing asphalt adhesion on paving equipment, and issafe touse onrubber tire rollers, pavers, and material transfer equipment. Black Magic. Our sales and service teams partner with you to optimize your SSOPs, training programs, record-keeping, and general audit preparations. NTPEP tested and DOT approved. Asphalt Release Agents Asphalt manufacturers and contractors spend a significant amount of time each day cleaning trucks, tools, and other equipment. We are looking forward to working with Brody Chemical on future projects. Get in touch with a McLube expert to discuss your process challenges here. Gloves should be impermeable to x\[s\
~_q;=7'qv\du:ml5$w-D$i \L,+W*>/WoVn >=F?wG^OVf?,jb#g_jd26[>[ez Consists of a protective spray box with one pneumatic pump, spray wand(s), hose and appropriate fittings. PK 307622 101 South Bayview Blvd. My skin just loves to crack, peel and split at the fingers. Product Name : List Price % Discount : Amount of Discount Net Price UOM 1: Asphalt Release Agent 500 Gal: . 5. ;[b[NSnoQ7uIp Contains 100% active ingredients in a unique high-tech proprietary blend. Our coatings will dramatically reduce the amount of cleaning required at the end of the day and also represent more environmentally conscious alternatives to traditional solvents and diesels. ja,c\|60?>r_ .P7Ma):Y/x(71Pk%bvEWk k&
QicOP>v ChemStation offers an array of non-petroleum-based asphalt release agents. PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - BMF. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Material name : ZEP MF ASPHALT RELEASE AGENT_275GL Material number : 000000000000436989 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company : Zep Inc. MAGIC GENIE $ 194.99; PC-70 $ 549.95 - $ Search for: Recent Comments. PDF Asphalt Release Agents - RoMix Chem We're happy to answer questions or take your suggestions for new products! Detergents - Asphalt Cleaners - Hydro-Chem Systems, Inc. Foaming Asphalt Release SDS Revision Date: 05/01/2015 Page 3 of 9 Eyes Causes serious eye irritation. Note: G SLIDE Asphalt Release Agent only requires repeated applications if hauling SMA or other polymer type mixes. PDF Asphalt Release Agents for Vehicles Transporting Hot Mix Asphalt s*ItEos&E-b? KsK tjSdzy9-) Use everywhere that you would use Diesel Fuel. Names of certain products may also vary slightly (prefix, suffix, etc.) A 100% biodegradable, non-petroleum based asphalt release agent. Popular for truck beds hauling modified / polymer mix designs, heated drag slats and double barrel asphalt drums. View tank levels and demand forecasting information on your computer or mobile device. 'od KNP&-lR>. 2*n= FZ}3T
Gr,a6mG&{APU!5Z7;pi Use Tank Telemetry to view chemical levels on demand. Black magic Release Agent Popular for truck beds hauling modified / polymer mix designs, heated drag slats and double barrel asphalt drums. 9}gwc,%le#*)4@}0.r PDF Asphalt Release Agent The King of All Natural Clean! - Citrus Depot Products span the foaming spectrum, are safe on metal, stainless steel, tile, or painted surfaces, and are effective in hard or soft water. Customized blend of water-based, biodegradable sanitation and process chemicals. Qty. Solvs-It is easy to useno shaking or dilution required. NTPEP tested and DOT approved. We have products that your drivers will love to use. McLube offers asphalt release agents designed to prevent sticking of the mix to truck beds and other equipment without threatening the integrity of asphalt concrete mixes. Hand protection: Wear gloves recommended by glove supplier for protection against materials in section 3. Spray Systems BG Chemical : A product with a public data release of February 11, 2020 Ou6!Hub3""V7_$\".|Byza9gdyl[b@?3mY=9^}Jc&j7,h0VVY 4.~Xl9odm7VkD;ES;W v|E6v6k}Xqjs5!8,Bg/&lyqL0X|.JqcJ_ XH TackSolv is NTPEP Tested, DOT approved in multiple states, andis safe enough tobe used full strength and powerful enough to be diluted up to 30:1 with water. PDF Asphalt Release Agent R-6690 5gl endstream
248 0 obj
. Company phone 1 -816 231 4020 Emergency telephone US 1 -866 836 8855 Emergency telephone 1outside US-952 852 4646 Version # 02 Supersedes 11date -06 2013. Keep drivers happy and avoid downtime with Brody Chemicals non-petroleum, DOT-approved asphalt-release agents that work with even the toughest polymer-modified asphalt mixes. BMF Asphalt Release Agent* Atlanta, GA 30318 *(Formerly Compound Tech.) PDF Safety Data Sheet Foaming Asphalt Release TackSolv is NTPEP Tested, DOT approved in multiple states, and is safe . 2646 Rodney Lane Dallas, TX 75229. 'nqlf2*G% ^v+,#:6Peb_Uxf=^I(R"N}Ro! Cut your asphalt-removal cleanup time in half with our radar-sensor and hand-held asphalt release sprayers Easy setup and can be outfitted for single or multiple lane application. SoySolv Biosolvents, LLCPO Box 470233Cleveland, OH 44147(877) 769-7658. Soap Asphalt Release PK 8596 Power Kleen . jc(|[xb!{`H
S2Q4j[h\N M0VJ)`VI>iq=3[oY}2Epv]BMdgvK_nZ1*t|(8l`q=Y^q7
8. Fire-fighting measures 5.1. Hand units consist of a protective spray box with pneumatic or electric pump depending on customer preference, spray wand(s), hose and appropriate fittings. Effective on drag slats, rubber tires, tire flaps, steel rollers, pavers, patching machines, hand tools and much more. Customize an account management plan with your ChemStation team and address sanitation issues before they arise. Popular for pavers, rollers, drag slats and double barrel asphalt drums. Once applied to the truck bed, a micro-thin film spreads out across
the truck bed. RELEASE AGENTS FOR USE ON HOT MIX ASPHALT (HMA) HAULING EQUIPMENT. This film creates a negative electrostatic charge on
both the surface of the truck bed and the asphalt. BLACK MAGIC ASPHALT LLC Company Number 143388999 Status Active Incorporation Date 26 April 2018 (over 4 years ago) Company Type DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Jurisdiction Oregon (US) Agent Name STEVENS & LEGAL, LLC Agent Address 1915 NE STUCKI AVE, STE 308, HILLSBORO, OR, 97006, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Directors / Officers Zep, Inc. Cartersville, GA. 03/21/2025. For asphalt manufacturers, road paving crews, trucking companies. Asphalt Release Agents & Lubricants | DOT-Approved - Brody Chemical 5 0 obj - Commercial Strength, Fast Acting and Safe For All Pipes, 3P-C Industrial Multi-Purpose Sprayer - 3 Gallon, 45 Dual Force Lubricant and Penetrant - 14 Oz. SAFETY DATA SHEET ZEP MF ASPHALT RELEASE AGENT 275GL - Zep Inc The expiration date will be the December 31st on or after 3 full years from the test data's public release date (i.e. We offer a variety of road improvement solutions for both public and private needs. 2022 SoySolv Biosolvents. Material 10 OZname BLACK MAGIC Revision date 11-2013 Company information Stone Manufacturing & Supply Company, Inc. 1212 Kansas Ave . Extinguishing media No information provided. PDF Materials and Tests Division Flexible Pavements Section Product availability, including container sizes, concentrations, and aerosols, will vary by country or region. Release Agent - Albina Asphalt DiP2[1&_^k$hX`XxW:V6Xca56"uoR'Bb\GTVo7O-L. BLACK MAGIC ASPHALT LLC :: Oregon (US) :: OpenCorporates PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Material name : ASPHALT RELEASE AGENT R-6690 5GL Material number : 000000000000086735 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company : Zep Inc. The non-hazardous, water soluble mixable agent is designed to provide clean rapid and easy separation of bituminous (asphalt) materials from beds of dump trucks and haul trucks. Use data to zero in on accountability when it comes to in-house, government, or third party audits. Address : 1310 Seaboard Industrial Blvd., NW PDF Qualified Product List 17 October 21, 2022 (Page 1 of 3) SUPER SLICK BIO II is simply the finest asphalt release agent available today. Three hauls can typically be made before another application is needed. A~3 Z?\,+1>BlxV13\hXV,@Mv9B&hOUD_B0W5wdZ,rJ>-4(T:{VBO[gcZ$Ssl{'ws O"K;~_4*fyS4{!;N[G[) 7FV-sz#5_8,SLOC?o@FA(E+'N#]WmGFEkU@(Ajs=9vW7^-o"Q0j_I'bc+xPtp6 FA4 C23.vYQL[78PQ Como Se Siente Un Mal Presentimiento,
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