excuses to get out of drill weekendstanly news and press arrests

If you miss a drill weekend, there are a few things that could happen. For example: Due to some past history that I dont want to go into at work, I am going to opt of out Tuesdays training. If he again says something ridiculous like asking if you wouldnt be able to take it, you could say, Yes, so I wont be attending. If he tells you its mandatory and you need to attend, you can say, Then I need to request a formal, legal accommodation to opt out. Call in sick, OP. that way it can be perceived far more easily as you being responsible in caring for family, and not you personally flaking out. They dont have any problem with reading anything, its the simulations. We had a minor fire in our building when it was new, and management discovered the hard way that the alarms didnt sound on most of the 6 floors. Happy Me time! 2) Probably wont happen hereright? I personally would quickly follow it up with oh no, hold on *RETCH* I really have to go *RETCH* and hang up. I am in my twenties, and I grew up in the modern era of mass shootings. Your coworker asked you to a 9am brunch on Saturday? In the past 10 years, both employees and employers have recognized the importance of fostering a work-life balance. Either way the teachers are required by law to reschedule for the service member. It was a full hands on every emergency agency in our city was involved. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I know you said your boss is normally nice, but hes being a bonehead, insensitive jerk about this if he doesnt allow you to quietly bow out. BS on that one! What interests me is this is a mass shooting drill, not an active shooter drill. There is no excuse for him to be joking about this, calling you names or otherwise mistreating you. But drill arrangements could totally be communicated to adults on an email. All The Funniest Reactions To Facebook And Instagram Shutting Down For Six Hours How many weekend drills can I miss as a reservist before they - Avvo Ah, I bet you live in the same city as me. Large auditorium. He sounds gross. If youre in the National Guard, youre required to attend one weekend of drill per month. Here are a few professional ways to deal with gossip at work! Im not sure I agree with Hes a nice person.. Youre busy adulting and creating the life you want and deserve, maybe you have children, have important introvert duties or youve been silently spending your evenings working on that business youve always dreamed of. If you graduated high school in the last 15 years, youve done active shooter drills. To enhance the dramatic effect, you can fill up your voice with tears and can have a catharsis you were longing for. Im also just really curious about why the boss wants to have an active shooter drill given how cavalier he seems to be about it. This is considered a valid excuse and your commander should work with you to find an alternate solution . I know I would. My ability to consent to this work activity was removed, and I repeated to Jerkface that I did not consent, and he said that was fine but I had to do it anyway. Since OPs boss says the training is mandatory, any pre-submitted PTO requests would probably be denied. I do agree that theres a difference between physically practicing something and reading about it (and frankly, at some of my performing arts jobs, Id have really loved to have even talked through some sort of emergency response plan for an increasingly not-unlikely situation). We had one at my former workplace. I cannot fathom how it has happened that even young children are expected to learn to react to someone with a gun. My high school got around a mandatory monthly fire drill by claiming it was too cold, and just ringing the alarm for a few months until enough parents complained that the rule was recinded. This took an hour, and I work in law enforcement! Ive been doing lockdown drills since kindergarten, which changed to explicit active shooter drills when I was 11. If its that long Im going to insist that they outline their full plan for workers compensation, life insurance beneficiary process etc in the event of an active shooter situation. I had to sit through one video active shooter training at work several years ago, and that was bad enough. Hey [Name] Ive got some stuff going on and I think that would make it difficult to be around me at the moment. Sadly, its not a very exclusive club. This sometimes makes it extremely hard to complete college assignments by their due date. We need to do better. But since I am pretty much exhausted, I dont need anything more than my bed and a day, sleep. What could they possibly need seven hours to cover? What I really want is to skip it entirely but if I can, how do I explain this request/decision to my boss without disclosing my mental health struggles, explaining (in vain) the anxiety I feel about this training, or looking like the only person not tough enough to participate (as the only woman in my department)? And what happens, sir, when the commander isn't interested in working with the Soldier to deconflict? Career success is just inches from your hands. It can be a good time to start getting migraines I genuinely get them and I cant even look at a screen to email / call in. elizabeth baptist church pastor oliver. 1 When Something Comes Up & You Still Want To See Them Shutterstock "Hey, I'm so sorry, but something came up tonight and I. To use this excuse, you need to make a story of how awful that Tinderdate went to be described later to the party host. ] (which is, essentially, the adult version of the fire drill) and an active shooter drill (which, in my understanding, usually implies some level of re-enactment beyond what Ellis Bell (the teacher above) was describing as lockdown drills at school). My organization has gone through several stages. You haven't started studying for your exam tomorrow. And then if they pushed back, Id advise my staff to call out that day and I wouldnt question it. I hope it goes well, and click send. This one will go prettywell,butwait! Point being, opt out. Lets be honest; we all havethese episodes(ifyou dont, most of us do). If a teacher or student has an issue then they should be removed from the situation. My 5th grader needs to start practicing scaling the tall fence. I skipped out a couple times for various reasons, then had to go in at night, or serve with another unit. Ive got a serious case of womens issues. Please take a sick day, or do whatever else you need to do to take care of yourself. It will not be possible for me to participate.. It was a no-brainer to help them with the very small procedural hurdle to opt out. Why is it gaining popularity amount employees and it is not exactly a bad thing? Especially for people with a history of trauma. When you see any warning signs of feeling burnout at work, you should ask to take your weekend off work. That sounds much more similar to fire drills and tornado drills which can still be scary for kids (I was definitely the kid crying while hunched like a turtle in the hallway of my elementary school a few times) but are generally not long-term traumatic. None of these excuses should be used regularly, because inevitably the second you say you need time off for dental work because you have a job interview, you then also need time off for dental work. **Several other events over a long time including the loss of a police officer in the line of duty at a traffic stop at the organization, a murder at the organization, a supervisor I knew dealing with a suicidal worker (despite all of his training, I had to order him to inform the police) and many false alarms. I think many people would freeze. And as others have pointed out, experts question whether they drills really help anyone anyway. ****WARNING FOR SENTENCES BELOW*****. And we have false alarms all the timeeither people are doing something clueless like venting burned toast to the hallway instead of the windows, theyre pulling alarms on purpose, theyre tampering with the wiringor the system is just glitching. What do you MEAN they didnt know what to do?? In the military, missing 4 hours of a required training equals one unexcused absence. Given the reaction youve gotten from trying to push back, I wouldnt bother trying to explain why this is a problem. The next thing that could happen is getting an official reprimand. This excuse is exclusively for ladies and its fantastic because nobody asks questions. 9 Best Practices for Career Success in Your 20s, no.7 get you Promoted, 10 Effective Ways to Deal with Gossip at Work, 7 Common Types of Spam Emails and How to Identify, How to Write a Professional Email At Work (with Examples), how to tell your boss you are not working on weekends professionally, between 10 and 14 days of paid vacation per year, US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, importance of fostering a work-life balance, How to Introduce Yourself at First Day of Work (with Examples), 5 Best Types of Goal Setting Techniques (Succeeding at Work), 10 Basic Types of Leadership Styles and How to Find Your Own, Bad Boss? oh no, youre coming down with a bad cold the day before & have to leave early & advise youll wont be in the next day. Also also- there is no way in heck a seven hour (!??) I am not sure I would have managed to remain calm if I hadnt already considered what would likely be going on, if there was a robbery. I do NOT want to LARP a shooting. They were upfront about wanting to meet everyones needs, and they made it very easy to select different options, such as being provided material to review on their own time or in private, write-ups vs videos, or just the option to opt out completely. They used to kind of joke about the fire alarm being pulled and then a school shooting happened where a fire alarm was pulled and kids were shot leaving their classrooms/building. I was when I first went to this unit 5.5 years ago. Burying your head in the sand wont change reality. OP, if you were to talk to your boss, and he says again you wouldnt be able to take it or something else similarly egregious, you can use the time-honored response, Im not sure what you mean.. That made a huge difference in everyones mindset regarding the training. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/employee-relations/pages/workplace-shootings-research-.aspx, https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/436994-active-shooter-training-fails-because-it-relies-on-fear/, https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2019/05/23/teachers-active-shooter-trainings-ineffective-stressful-column/3754113002/, https://www.insider.com/young-school-shooters-grew-up-doing-active-shooter-drills-experts-2022-6, https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/blog/advocacy/active-shooter-drills-harmful-or-helpful/. The UK is having a heck of a lot of problems, and every so often we wonder if wed need to head back Stateside, but active shooter drills keep it crossed off the list. Your boss is not a nice person. All-day first aid training? Ive opted out of CPR training because I cant tolerate being on my knees for any length of time (5 seconds is my absolute maximum). Best case, that employee will now have even more inside information about strategies, hiding places, and escape routes. BUPERS Instruction 1001.39F. Two toddlers during Sandy Hook. It gets so much worse! Have a great night! After much hand-wringing, the law enforcement liaison finally convinced this person not to develop such training. If you are in the National Guard or Reserves, you may be required to participate in drill weekends. For staff, we simply review our active shooter policy at our annual inservice which mostly amounts to lock-down and hide and pray. This is basically a formal warning letting you know that if you miss another drill weekend, there will be consequences. You Had a Flat Tire 10. We did an active shooter drill at my organization and I thought it would be similar to the same drills I grew up doing (also a millennial) but it was so much worse than I imagined. I mostly worked the busy evening shift anyway because I was at college during the day, so there was always someone else who could go instead of me. As the World's Most Accurate Online Grammar Checker, Grammarly Premium goes beyond grammar to help you ensure that everything you write is clear, engaging, and professional. When the drill ended, they came back, all laughing how they had been shot and if they were dead, could they go home for the day. A year or so before COVID, our state decided to mandate active-shooter drills for schools. They were rushed out of the pool without their towels (not time, not with lives at stake) and had to hide in an unheated locker room for 2+ hours afterwards. 30 Good Reasons To Call Out Of Work - Rigorous Themes Even if you cant shoot as often as youd like, its important to keep your marksmanship skills sharp. I was forced to go through an active-shooter training despite protests, and when a group of us were able to push back as a group, I used the word consent a lot. What isnt so nice is leaving someone hanging or saying youll do something that you have absolutely no intention of doing. Hey [Name], sorry I can't make your party tonight. There isnt a traditional HR department here, and this is an office where were really subject to the dictates of our boss. Sometimes I go through that employee if I really want to raise an issue, but I cant always count on their support. This is a good perspective I can take to my leadership to let them know that while SOME of our employees might want this, it could also be detrimental to others. Theres always That Guy who feels the need to comment. Oh its very simple, were supposed to die. Have a great night. 4. College is a priority. Everyone is tired of climbing down multiple floors of stairs to stand outside in the cold in their pajamas. I decided to take charge of my horrific dating life and go on an actual date. Show you videos of mass shootings and discuss what you should do compared to what the victims did. Im in charge of working with our local law enforcement to conduct an active shooter training. But its a good skill to have that will serve you well in your career. (ex. What possible benefit is there to be gained from crouching and hiding for hours? With my tire being flat I've got no way of getting there unfortunately! The university police ran the session and they were very professional yet laid back, which made the training far less stressful than it could have been. Forums If your employer or client asks why you can't or don't want to work on the weekends, you are not obligated to provide a reason. Working from home have a lot of benefits that essentially make your work life happier and more enjoyable. I always break down and cry when they get to the part where it tells you to, if need be, abandon your patients so that you can save yourself and live to help others later. I would discount everything that he said about you and take away what he said about himself, namely that he would sacrifice your life for his. 10 Reasons Why You Should Work From Home Today! There's easily 100+ people that will be at the conference. Not sure if this is the case for the OP, but when my previous employer planned a mandatory active shooter drill, they sent a liability release/waiver that we were expected to sign. As someone who has been in an active shooter situation all the training you do doesnt mean anything when the threat is real and all that training is going to do is disrupt the workday and traumatize employees. Ive been participating in active shooter drills since high school, know about run-hide-fight, and know people who have died from gun violence. Training taken out of orientation, alert system stays. We also have a conscript army, which means that the vast majority of young men and an increasing number of women who volunteer learn to use firearms appropriately. My unit was pretty strict though, so who knows. First responders and EM do exercises to improve our side of it. Hes a nice person but has very deeply entrenched ideas about mental health, anxiety, young people, and triggers, and I dont want to have to disclose my own mental health diagnoses to him, make him think Im simply not tough enough to handle it, or come across like a millennial snowflake, etc. So I can see the value of having people exposed to, and not react to, something like a helicopter or other distraction. Youre very charitable in your interpretation of dark humor, for me thats a line that shouldnt be crossed. and if i got any pushback id say it was a mental health day. Thats insane. As a teacher I participated in lockdown drills and in ALICE training, which is the run-hide-fight style that I guess is more popular now, rather than the hide-and-lock-the-door style we used to do. something to consider! Since the official communication didnt call it mandatory Im guessing its not deny PTO-level mandatory. Because when you get out of working on the weekends, someone else will take your place. 2. You do volunteer work 8. Seven hours with comfortable clothing can only mean a drill that could be appropriate for law enforcement to have the muscle memory of what to do and where to go. Thats a totally reasonable length for something so complicated and so intertwined with our everyday work, especially where we may be needed to provide specialized assistance to professional EMS/Fire personnel who have less experience with the particular hazards involved. If my staff had this conversation to me, Id take it immediately back to leadership b/c my leadership is older than me. We all live busy lives and we know that there will be times when we are called on to help out to babysit for a week, a weekend, or even half a day. Its one of the reasons (not the only one, but one nonetheless) I dont teach anymore. I havent read all the comments, but this makes me truly ill. To be fair, I was already angry on your behalf before reading this letter. Also if this bunghole tries to make you feel weak for not being up for it, remember that standing up to him is a strong choice in itself. I have tried to transfer out of this unit 3 times. We never needed to do it more often than that, and I am so thankful we never needed to do any other type of drill. Finally we learned they had just been required to offer an active shooter training by their insurance. Im so sorry this is happening to you. For the most part, the training most people will need in an active shooter situation will much less than a day people might have to hide for hours in a real event but Im not sure how much actually hiding adds to watching a five minute video. Please stand firm on the accommodations that you need. LW, I am so sorry. Its probably an insurance thing. I am having a hard time seeing why this is even necessary for a company so small it doesnt have HR. I told them the way you prevent that is to click their heels together and wish real hard. Blue Hole Arch, Jasper County School Registration, Difference Between Progessence Plus And Progessence Phyto Plus, Act Of 1871, Articles E